
How to Boost Your Immune System with Massage | Phoenix | New Serenity Spa

What’s the best way to keep from getting a virus, other than of course following guidelines, it’s having a boosted immune system. Think about it, if your immune system is weakened you are more susceptible to the various viruses and infections out there. But when you take steps to enhance your immune system, you are better prepared to fight off whatever might come your way. One such method is to boost immune system with massage. A massage is of course relaxing, we’ll certainly give you that. It allows you to escape as your stress melts away. But what many might not know is that massages are also incredibly good for the immune system. Which is why we thought we’d break down some of the health benefits of a massage.

New Serenity Spa: It’s Time to Boost Immune System with Massage

How to Boost Your Immune System with Massage | Phoenix | New Serenity Spa

At Phoenix’s New Serenity Spa, we like to provide guests with a holistic day spa experience. Meaning, we take a mind, body, spirit approach when it comes to all of our treatments. And of course, this includes enhancing your immune system. So how exactly can you boost immune system with massage…

  • A massage, whether Swedish or deep tissue for example, is great for blood circulation. In fact, just a 45 minute massage increases the number of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are hugely important when it comes to helping the body stave off diseases and viruses.
  • As previously noted, a massage reduces stress. Stress can actually have physical effects on the body, to include compromising your immune system. In a relaxed state your immune system is far more effective.
  • A massage also lowers your blood pressure. This seems pretty obvious as you will feel more at peace and tranquil and thus your blood pressure does tend to drop under these circumstances. Lower blood pressure equals a stronger immune system.

You really can boost immune system with massage. And we would love to show you just how amazing a day spa massage can feel at our Phoenix area location.

Highly Experienced Massage Therapists That Truly Know Their Stuff

How to Boost Your Immune System with Massage | Phoenix | New Serenity Spa

One very important thing when getting a massage is to know that your massage therapist is trained on the latest and most advanced techniques. Whether looking to relax for the day, boost that immune system, or destress, you want to make sure that your therapist is qualified and professional. At New Serenity Spa all of our massage therapists regularly attend classes, and in this way, all are well versed on even the newest styles of massage. A sampling of what we offer:

  • Bamboo massage: bamboo massage is not only great for sore muscles and increasing blood flow and circulation, but the bamboo itself has inherent healing properties that are tremendous for your skin.
  • Hot Stone Massage: warm basalt rocks are used to maximize the massage experience. And again, this is wonderful as far as how you feel afterward and also for stimulating that circulation.
  • Swedish massage: traditional, a classic and one of our most popular!

Isn’t it beyond time that you enjoyed a massage. We would love to help you feel refreshed, reinvigorated and healthier! Call today.

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