
Chemical Peel Before and After | Arizona | New Serenity Spa

When looking at chemical peel before and after photos, you can clearly see the difference. Of course right afterward the skin may be pink or red, but once that calms down, the complexion is smoother and tighter looking. At New Serenity Spa in Arizona, we do tons of chemical peels during any given week. And often with repeated treatments of this nature, or combined with other skincare treatments, the results are lasting.

People have asked us about the chemical peel before and after process. So we thought we’d break down what’s involved, what you can expect, and how your skin will look as a result.

Chemical Peel Before and After | Arizona | New Serenity Spa


Arizona Chemical Peel Before and After – What You Should Know

First off, a chemical peel is when a topical product is applied to the skin which in essence makes it blister and then peel away. This reveals the smoother new skin underneath. There are however more benefits than just the fact of your smoother looking skin.

  • Can be used to treat acne. With a chemical peel, before and after, you always want to talk to the esthetician about your specific acne. Everyone’s skin is different, and the levels of acne outbreaks are as well. With some though, a chemical peel can be used to help reduce the look of the inflammation.
  • Even out pigmentation. Because you are removing that layer of older, duller skin, the skin underneath is generally brighter and more even toned.
  • Treat wrinkles. This is perhaps the biggest reason why people come into Arizona’s New Serenity Spa for a chemical peel. The signs of aging, be it from time or from damaging external elements, can be difficult to diminish. With a chemical peel however, the skin revealed is almost always fresher and younger looking.
  • Improve overall look and feel. It’s just a healthier skin that is coming to the surface so it is going to be brighter, more supple and more lustrous.

Chemical Peel Before and After | Arizona | New Serenity Spa

After Getting Your Chemical Peel

The aftercare in terms of a chemical peel is important. The skin that is now revealed is going to be sensitive for a bit. You’re always going to want to use a fairly high SPF sunscreen—better yet you might try and limit how long you’re outdoors following your chemical peel. Additionally, you want to lay off the oily and heavy makeup products. The skin needs time to strengthen and adjust. With your overall skincare routine following the peel, use gentle if possible all organic products that aren’t too harsh on your complexion.

If you do have questions regarding the chemical peel before and after process, we would be more than happy to answer them. Our highly trained staff are always up to date on the latest products and techniques. We understand that skincare is important to our guests and we want them to know that we have their best interests at heart. This is about spoiling you, pampering you and helping you feel and look refreshed and youthful.

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